I Discovered Myself and My Dream Job Because of This Awesome Recruitment Agency

Finding a job has always been a struggle fresh graduate’s experience, but even young professionals like me who have had work experiences encounter such agony too. Good thing, one of the recruitment agencies in Singapore help me get through it.

When I graduated in college, most of my professors told me how different the corporate world is and that I should get a job that embodies my passion–something that makes me happy even there’s a lot of workloads to do. I immediately fixed my resume after graduation, tapped my seniors for connections and applied to several PR companies in Singapore. Luckily, I got accepted after a month. I thought, finding a job might not be so hard.

I entered the corporate world full of excitement and a happy heart because it’s my first job. The first months were bearable but the next days became frustrating as deadlines and the unhealthy work environment leave me dead tired. I felt the undeniable emotion within that maybe I made the wrong decision of not doing what I want but only where I excel.  After some years, I decided to quit my job and take time to reconnect with myself.

Several problems started arising from that decision, having the struggle to get another job in a country like Singapore where competition’s too high and how to end up with a job that you’ll not get tired of because it’s what you want to do. One friend came up to me and told me that there are job placement agencies in Singapore such as People Profilers that can better help me find the right job for me since he tried to utilize it and it helped him land on his job today.

A skill-based examination was given to me as soon as I finished applying for People Profilers. It let me discover myself even more by detecting where I can excel most while considering my interests at the same time.

People Profilers, a recruit agency based in Singapore, is known to be experts in locating jobs due to their wide pool of talents and connections but what sets them apart from the other agencies is their commitment to give the right job for you through scrutinizing your strengths and weaknesses then come up with the better list of jobs that’s fit for you.

The result of my application came in several weeks after and surprisingly, the job given to me is not within the borders of public relations but with a start-up film production house. People Profilers saw my potential in storytelling and good eye for visuals thus connected me with film directors and writers.

It has been a year since I started working for this firm and I have never felt so happy and contented. There are still deadlines and heavy workloads but I can’t feel the urge to stop because I’m tired but always feel challenged to strive to be better every day. That’s why I’m so grateful I came across People Profilers because if not because of their help, I will not discover that story telling is my strength and see working so enjoyable.

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